SKills Classes |
October Classes are up. If you want to take a class, please get in touch to register. Skills classes are open to adults and teens 15 and older.
Skills ClassesWilderness Survival Skills
October 28 (Saturday), 10am-3pm, $40 Come learn the basic skills of survival our ancestors passed down for countless generations. We will cover the survival priorities and any number of other skills we have time for. Learn to make shelter, locate and purify water, light a fire without matches or a lighter, identify edible and poisonous plants and if there's enough time, fashion basic hunting or trapping tools. You will gain a new sense of freedom knowing all your needs are provided for in nature. Bring lunch, water, and a non-serrated knife for carving. Be prepared for poison oak and ticks. Animal Tracking October 29 (Sunday), 9am - 12pm, $25 Learn to read the landscape through the eyes of a tracker. How to identify tracks is only the beginning, and the art of tracking includes aging, gait analyses, trailing, and more. We will explore the local ecosystem, looking for track and sign and learning as we go. Bring a field journal, and small tape measure or ruler. |
Skills CalendarJanuary
Our Skills Classes cover some of the basic and advanced survival skills that were once common knowledge to our ancestors on all continents.
Whether you want be prepared with skills to survive an emergency, or learn the lore and history behind a craft, or just make something useful, we've got you covered. We draw on our experience from the Stone Age Living Project (with Lynx Vilden), trips with Matt Graham, skills gatherings such as Rabbitstick, Winter Count, Buckeye, and Acorn Gathering, the Origins Project (learning from Nharo Bushmen in Botswana, Africa, & Jon Young) and 'survival trips' where we intentionally traveled without gear to learn directly from the Earth.
Curriculum...The curriculum includes topics that are NOT listed in the descriptions; these "soft" skills are critical as well, for without Awareness or Attitude, for example, or knowing how to blend with the landscape, the "hard" skills are utterly useless.
Ages...Teens and Adults for the classes listed above. Contact us to find out about kids programs that cover the same or similar topics.
Whether you want be prepared with skills to survive an emergency, or learn the lore and history behind a craft, or just make something useful, we've got you covered. We draw on our experience from the Stone Age Living Project (with Lynx Vilden), trips with Matt Graham, skills gatherings such as Rabbitstick, Winter Count, Buckeye, and Acorn Gathering, the Origins Project (learning from Nharo Bushmen in Botswana, Africa, & Jon Young) and 'survival trips' where we intentionally traveled without gear to learn directly from the Earth.
Curriculum...The curriculum includes topics that are NOT listed in the descriptions; these "soft" skills are critical as well, for without Awareness or Attitude, for example, or knowing how to blend with the landscape, the "hard" skills are utterly useless.
Ages...Teens and Adults for the classes listed above. Contact us to find out about kids programs that cover the same or similar topics.